about npma

Committee Minutes Policy

Approved by the Board of Directors March 2014

NPMA shall document the meetings held or written actions undertaken during the year by each committee recognized by the Board.

  • A member of the committee or staff shall take minutes at committee meetings.
  • Minutes will be taken and retained for the meetings of all committees of the Board - both standing and ad hoc.
  • Minutes will begin with basic information, including the name of the meeting, date, time and location of the meeting, and a roster of members of the Board/Committee in attendance and those who were absent, and any guests that were in attendance. Where appropriate, the minutes should note if there was a quorum at the meeting.
  • Minutes shall record actions taken during the meeting, including motions made, and if they passed, failed or were tabled and the margin. It is not necessary to record the names of those who motioned or seconded a motion. It is not required to record any discussion or how each member voted.
  • Minutes shall be distributed for review by members of the Committee within 10 days following the meeting.
  • Approval of the minutes should be included as the first item on the agenda of the next meeting of the Committee.
  • Each Committee’s staff liaison shall ensure that minutes of Committee meetings shall be made available for review by the membership on the NPMA website once approved.